The Days are looking beautiful. Sun is out and summer is around the corner. I finally washed the car and its looking shiny and new again!On another note my kids (baseball team) are picking up and learning the sport very quickly. Check them out!
A friend had 5 things he posted that he lives by and I totally believe they are true and moving forward all you need is 5 ingredients to make it. They are Patience, Courage, Confidence, Control/Discipline and Compassion. I practice most of these daily and I stay positive so I think I am good. On the up and up, how can you not love this girl:

She will always be there and despite her tiny heeed and how sometimes she is just so damn dumb, i will always love her! New things are coming, i am excited...where will i be, where will i go? stay tuned folks....another wrap up from me! Got some trips planned should be a good summer.
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